Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

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Andrea Riley and Alistair Darnell (co headteachers):

0113 2637756

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

'Unlocking Potential'

Year 5

We have two Year Five classes in our school: 5C and 5N.

In each class there are two adults, Miss Crane and Mrs Frith in 5C; Mr Newton and Mr Jackson in 5N. They help support your child’s learning each day; if you have questions or concerns, please see one of us at the classroom door either before or after school.


P.E. Day

Year 5 P.E. lessons are on a Monday afternoon (outdoor games) and Wednesday afternoon (indoor P.E.). Please make sure your child is wearing appropriate school P.E. kit.


Boom Reader

We will continue to use a digital reading record app through to monitor reading records. Parents can download the BoomReader app to share information with school and no more worry about finding lost record books! A letter with your child’s log in information should have made its way home already – if not, please see your child’s teacher for another copy.



As well as reading at home and logging on Boom Reader (at least three times a week), children will be set homework each week on Times Table Rockstars. They will have twenty garage games and ten studio games to complete (totalling thirty minutes practice). Quick recall of times tables will be important as the demands of the maths curriculum increase – teachers will be tailoring TTR practice to your child’s needs to best support them fill any gaps in their knowledge.

Autumn 1

In Autumn 1, the children will write be developing their story-writing skills with a focus on suspense using a short story called ‘The Nightmare Man’. We will be using Maths No Problem to further children’s mathematical knowledge and understanding with our focus in Autumn 1 being place value. Our first few reading lessons are based around the story Peter Pan and Wendy by J.M. Barrie but we will be using a range of texts to help develop our reading skills. In history, we will focus on the Ancient Maya civilisation. We will look at the importance of the Maya and how they influenced modern culture, with their amazing creations of some of life’s most important past-times – football and chocolate! In science, our first topic is Earth and Space so we will be finding out lots and lots about our planet and beyond. In our P.E. lessons we will be improving our hockey skills during games sessions with Mr Young and we are developing our ability to work together with some team building when we’re in the hall. Our computing lessons will continue to be delivered by Junior Jam and Mrs Leadbeater will still be leading music in school.

Autumn 2

Year 5 settled into their second half-term in Year 5 brilliantly. Our topic in English was writing effective action stories about mysterious objects. We produced some outstanding pieces of work using a number of effective techniques to add action to our stories. In Maths, we deepened our understanding of multiplication and division methods. Our focus in Geography was North America, where we studied the different human and physical features of the continent. Finally, for science we looked at properties and changes of materials. We enjoyed lots of experiments to test the properties of materials and observe changes in them under different conditions. Well done for a fantastic half-term Year 5!

Spring 1

Year 5 have made a great start to 2024. In English, we will be focusing on writing a portal story based on ‘Time-Slip Scarab’. In Maths we will continue to practise key number skills and begin work on fractions . In addition to this, we will be studying the Anglo-Saxon period in history. We will also be thinking about animals including humans in science. In RE, we will be thinking about special places and pilgrimages for different religions. Finally, in art we will be looking the famous work of Barbara Hepworth, which will result in making our own sculptures!

As always, thank you for your support at home

Spring 2

Year 5 have settled into Spring 2 well. In English, we will be focusing on writing defeating the monster stories, using ‘Beowulf’ as our model text. We have already made a great start on some descriptive paragraphs and have enjoyed finding new vocabulary to use in our writing. In Maths, we will be finishing our fractions unit and moving on to looking at decimals, reading tables and analysing graphs. In addition to this, we will be studying the Viking period in history which follows on from our Anglo-Saxon topic last half term. We will also be thinking about life cycles of different living things in science, including mammals, amphibians and plants. Finally, in art we will continuing our work on Barbara Hepworth and making our own sculptures inspired by her work.

As always, thank you for your support at home.

Summer 1

Year 5 have had an excellent start to Summer 1. We have visited Pudsey Civic Hall to watch the Leeds Lieder concert and performed our own verse which we wrote in a workshop before half term! In English, we have been looking at warning stories, using ‘The Canal’ as our model text. We have been thinking about how to describe story settings effectively. In Maths, we have been working on percentages and geometry. In Geography, we will be studying Coasts in preparation for our Boggle Hole residential later in the term. In RE, we have started exploring ‘Codes of Living’ and will be thinking of how different religions encourage different morals in everyday life. Finally, in art we are starting a new topic on Georges Seurat, who pioneered a form of painting called ‘pointillism’.

As always, thank you for your support at home.