Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

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Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

'Unlocking Potential'

Year 4

Welcome to Year Four

We are the Year 4 classroom teachers; Miss Hick (4H) and Mr Williams (4W), alongside us are Miss Ward, Mr Young and Mrs Bennett (Teaching assistants). We are incredibly excited to be teaching your children this year in the Year 4. We practice an open door policy in our classrooms, which means if parents have any questions or need anything from us, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also catch either of us at the end of the day at the door. We aim to respond to any queries as soon as we can. We are so looking forward to working with your children this year, and we cannot wait to see the fantastic achievements that they are going to make.

P.E Day

Year 4 PE lessons are on a Thursday afternoon. Please make sure your child is wearing their school PE kit.


Each week, we expect each child to log 3 reads onto boomreader and play on TT rockstars at home for 30 minutes. This will be tracked by your child’s teacher. If you need your log in details, please ask a member of the Year 4 team.

School Trips

Year 4 will be having an exciting workshop in school on Thursday 19th October. This workshop will show us more about life in World War 1 and we will get the chance to see some amazing artefacts. A letter with further information will be sent out in due course.


Year 4 swimming lessons are on a Friday morning. Please make sure that your child brings their swimming kit and a towel. Please note no jewellery including earing rings are to be worn. The first swimming lesson will take place on 22nd September Please note there are no swimming lessons in the first and last weeks of the term.

Times Tables Rockstars

Year 4 children all around the country will be tested on their times tables knowledge. Being confident with times tables helps

children in many areas of maths curriculum such as short division, multiplication, word problems, and many more. In class, we support the learning of times tables regularly. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. We, therefore, strongly recommend you encourage your child to practice their times tables at home regularly or better still every night! All your hard work and theirs will make them a Times Tables Rock Star!

Autumn 1

In Autumn 1, the children will write a narrative based on our model text ‘The Magician’s Shop’. We will also be writing some instructions on ‘How to make a magic potion’. The children will continue using Maths No Problem to further their mathematical knowledge and understanding. We are using a new reading curriculum to develop our prediction, inference and summarising skills this half term. We will look at a range of texts including children’s classic, poetry, Disney song lyrics and non-fiction texts about teeth! History will focus on WW1, looking at local history involving the Leeds Pals, and we will also explore Walter Tull's part in the war linking into our learning for Black History Month. In Science, we will study how our digestive system works and think about the journey on which our food goes on.

Autumn 2 

Welcome back!  

You had a wonderful 1st half term and have all settled so well into life in Year 4.  

Our learning journey continues. This half term, we are focusing on multiplication and division in maths, securing our understanding in formal written methods. We will also look at bar graphs and line graphs. 

In English, we will be learning a warning story 'Staying Out' and look at how we can use speech to develop the action in a story. We will then write explanation texts using our model text 'How to camp out'. 

In Geography, we will learning all about rivers! We will learn how the are formed, the different parts of a river, why we use rivers, how rivers can flood and the journey of a river! This links nicely to our science topic where we will learn about the water cycle in our states of matter topic. 

In RE, we are learning about different festivals in different religions and in PHSE we are learning how to keep ourselves safe. 


PE is on Thursday and children can come to school in their kits. Swimming is on Friday.  


Thank you for your continued support.  

Spring 1   

We are pleased to be welcoming you back after Christmas break. We look forward to all the exciting things that we are going to learn this term.   

This term, we will be writing a suspense narrative based around Zelda Claw. We will then look at discussion texts in our non fiction unit and look at how to write a balance argument. The children will continue using Maths No Problem to improve their mathematical knowledge and we will be focusing on fractions and time. Geography will focus on Extreme Earth in our topic lessons, looking at the structure of the earth and the impact of earthquakes and volcanoes on land and people. In Art, we will be studying Henry Moore and his artwork. We will recreate some of his sculptures and sketch them using his techniques. Our PSHE lessons will cover a wide range of topics from RSE and how children develop into adults both physically and mentally. Children will further develop their understanding of how to stay safe online and the impact of screentime on their health and wellbeing. 


P.E is on Thursday and will take place outside unless it is raining.   

Swimming is on Friday.  

Your children will be set homework including maths (TT Rockstars) and reading. Children all have logins and should record their reading daily on the Boom Reader app which can be downloaded through   

Spring 2

Wow! We can't believe we are half way through Year 4 already. As always, 4H and 4W have been working so hard and we are excited for another half term.

This half term, we will be writing adventure stories, looking at using action and speech. We will then write persuasive leaflets about different places in the world. We will continue using Maths No Problem to improve their mathematical knowledge and we will be focusing on decimals and money. In Science, we are focusing on electricity where we will learn about different appliances and what a circuit needs for electricity to pass through. 

We have started a new scheme in our reading lessons, RWI comprehension. This will help the children with all the different reading skills and support them in answering questions about what they have read. We will also be completing a DT unit where we will focus on cooking and nutrition. Our PSHE lessons will be focused on democracy and understanding how our country is run. PE with Mr Young is on a Thursday and the children will be working on Tag Rugby. 

Just a reminder, all Year 4 children will have a times table test in June. Please make sure they are practicing weekly to help their fluency. 

Summer 1

We are looking forward to the final term of Year 4! 
This half term, we have some exciting things coming up including our trip to Murton Park! This will be a fun filled day experiencing life as a Roman linking with our history topic. 
In our English lessons, we are looking at Romeo and Juliet where we will be focusing on character. In Maths, we are focusing on area and perimeter before we move onto angles. Times table practice will be a big focus over the next few weeks to prepare for our timestable test in June.
In Science, we are looking at how sounds are made and in PHSE, we will be understanding how money, taxes and expenses work to prepare us for the future.
Athletics is our new PE unit and swimming will return on 26th April.