Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

School Council

What is the school council?  

A school council is group of students who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. 


What does it do?   

Our school council does a number of things: 

The school council meets – with Mrs Vause and Mr Newton - to discuss and sort out problems. These may include school lunches, behaviour or ideas for fundraising events. 

Members of the school council will be responsible for carrying out the ideas that have been agreed, such as planning discos, writing newspaper articles, or meeting with catering staff. 


What jobs are there?  

Each year, every class will normally elect 2 representatives to be members of the school council. 

The council will then meet to elect officers such as: 

  • Chair (who leads the meetings) 
  • Secretary (who takes notes at the meetings) 
  • Treasurer (who is in charge of the money) 


What makes a good council member?  

Being on the council is a big commitment as you will have to miss break times to meet and organise projects. It also comes with rewards such as – early lunches, badges and responsibilities.  

To be a good council member, you should –  

  • Listen to your class and represent their views  
  • Be organised  
  • Have lots of ideas  
  • Be confident at talking in large groups  
  • Be passionate about making a difference  


How to apply 

 Your teacher will let you know when you can apply for school council. Remember to prepare your speech to make sure you get lots of votes.  
