Welcome to Year 6. Our team looks like:
6B – Mrs Bennett and Miss Shaw
6B PE days are Monday and Thursday.
6H- Miss Hayes, Miss Pyrah and Mrs Frith.
6H PE day are Tuesday and Thursday.
All children will be given a levelled reading book and a reading for pleasure book. We are expecting children to be logging any reads in their reading journal as part of their homework.
Children in Year 6 also have access to Reading Plus. This platform supports reading in class and any targeted support needed.
Login details for sites and others, such as Times Table Rockstars have been given to the children.
The expectation is that we complete 30 TTR games and 5 Reading Plus texts a week. If you do not have access to online learning at home, time will be given time or support to complete any homework through the week at school. Y6 need to organise themselves to get this done each week as good preparation for high school.
During this half term, we will be getting to know the children through various activities. We have already started through weekly circle check ins and we can’t wait to find out more.
In class, we will be continuing our Talk for Writing journey in English looking at warning stories and information texts whilst adding to our mathematical knowledge using Maths No Problem. In Science we are looking at Living Things and Their Habitats and in History we will be learning about Ancient Greece.
We have even more to look forward to this half-term as we get back into the school routine. Updates will be posted on our year group page and Facebook.
All parents are invited to our Class Assembly on Friday 20th September. More information to follow.
A reminder that high school visits will take place throughout this half term and the application deadline in 30th October. If you need any support in this process, please speak to a member of the Year 6 team.
Autumn 2
WOW. What an amazing first half term in year 6 for all children and we hope you enjoyed a restful half term.
All children have settled so well and have already created some fantastic pieces of work. All staff were particularly impressed with their work on Greek Gods, and they have produced some brilliant information texts based around their own creation of a Greek God.
This half term will begin with both Year 6 classes having their residential trip to Lineham Farm. The children will hopefully love their days away and it will give them life-long memories to share with friends. A reminder that 6H will go Monday to Wednesday (4th - 6th November) and 6B will go Wednesday to Friday (6th - 8th November).
In Maths, we will start our work on Fractions as well as continue to recap the four operations from Autumn 1. In Science, we will look at Electricity, different types of circuits and plan a voltage experiment.
In the wider curriculum, we will look at our Marvellous Mapping Unit, challenge ourselves to trying Pilates and continue coding our own games in computing.
A reminder that homework is to include 5 reads on Reading Plus and 15 minutes on TT rockstars. Any children who may need any extra support to complete this will be encouraged to attend homework club on a Monday lunchtime.
Spring 1
WOW! What an amazing first term we have had. We have been on quite a journey so far. We have enjoyed residential to Lineham Farm and class assemblies. We are beginning to prepare the children for their upcoming SATs in May. The Year 6 team would appreciate support from home with weekly homework: 5 Reading Plus texts and 15 minutes on TT. We will also be sending either a Maths or a Grammar sheet home to continue practising the skills we have focused on in class.
In Maths, we will continue our work on decimals and percentages before moving on to measurement topics. Reading sessions will continue to focus on building reading fluency and building on the existing skills of inference, vocabulary, sequencing and predictions. In Science, we will be starting to explore our Light topic. Across the wider curriculum, Year 6 will learn about mountains in Geography. In RE we will look at Christianity.
Finally, we would like to thank you for your continued support during this important year of primary school.