Our school meals are prepared on site by our kitchen staff. They are well-balanced and nutritious.
School meals are provided free of charge to children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.
The cost of meals for children in Key Stage Two is £2.30 per day. Please pay for your child's school dinners through the Parent Pay app. If you require any more information please contact the school office.
Please see below for the lunch choices this term
Children may bring a packed lunch. As part of our healthy eating program, we encourage children to include some fruit and vegetables in their lunch, and to limit sweet items such as biscuits, cereal bars and products containing chocolate to just one item. Sweets, chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy drinks are not permitted in school and should not be included in lunches.
Our packed lunch policy is below the school menu.
Follow the link below for some ideas for a healthy packed lunch:
Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One are provided with fruit and vegetables as a snack, free of charge. In Key Stage Two, children may bring a piece of fruit/vegetables as a snack. Cereal bars and snacks such as cheese dippers are not permitted.
All children may bring water to school, in a named bottle. We ask that children take these home each day to be washed/refilled. Please do not put juice in children’s bottles that they will be drinking throughout the day.
School Menu
Our school meals are prepared on site by our kitchen staff. They are well-balanced and nutritious.
School meals are provided free of charge to children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.
The cost of meals for children in Key Stage Two is £2.30 per day. Please pay for your child's school dinners through the Parent Pay app. If you require any more information please contact the school office.
Please see below for the lunch choices this term
Children may bring a packed lunch. As part of our healthy eating program, we encourage children to include some fruit and vegetables in their lunch, and to limit sweet items such as biscuits, cereal bars and products containing chocolate to just one item. Sweets, chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy drinks are not permitted in school and should not be included in lunches.
Our packed lunch policy is below the school menu.
Follow the link below for some ideas for a healthy packed lunch:
Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One are provided with fruit and vegetables as a snack, free of charge. In Key Stage Two, children may bring a piece of fruit/vegetables as a snack. Cereal bars and snacks such as cheese dippers are not permitted.
All children may bring water to school, in a named bottle. We ask that children take these home each day to be washed/refilled. Please do not put juice in children’s bottles that they will be drinking throughout the day.
School Menu
Our school meals are prepared on site by our kitchen staff. They are well-balanced and nutritious.
School meals are provided free of charge to children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One.
The cost of meals for children in Key Stage Two is £2.30 per day. Please pay for your child's school dinners through the Parent Pay app. If you require any more information please contact the school office.
Please see below for the lunch choices this term
Children may bring a packed lunch. As part of our healthy eating program, we encourage children to include some fruit and vegetables in their lunch, and to limit sweet items such as biscuits, cereal bars and products containing chocolate to just one item. Sweets, chocolate bars, crisps and fizzy drinks are not permitted in school and should not be included in lunches.
Our packed lunch policy is below the school menu.
Follow the link below for some ideas for a healthy packed lunch:
Children in Foundation Stage and Key Stage One are provided with fruit and vegetables as a snack, free of charge. In Key Stage Two, children may bring a piece of fruit/vegetables as a snack. Cereal bars and snacks such as cheese dippers are not permitted.
All children may bring water to school, in a named bottle. We ask that children take these home each day to be washed/refilled. Please do not put juice in children’s bottles that they will be drinking throughout the day.
School Menu