Welcome to

Castleton Primary School and Children's Centre

Year 3

Welcome to Year Three  

We are the Year 3 classroom teachers; Mr Williams (3W) and Miss McLaughlin (3M), alongside us are Mrs Holburt and Miss Kitchen (Higher Level Teaching Assistants).


We are incredibly excited to be teaching your children this year in the Year 3. We practice an open-door policy in our classrooms, which means if parents have any questions or need anything from us, please do not hesitate to contact us. You can also catch either of us at the end of the day. We aim to respond to any queries as soon as we can. We are so looking forward to working with your children this year, and we cannot wait to see the fantastic achievements that they are going to make.


Autumn 1

In Year 3 this half term, there will be lots of learning taking place. In English, we will be learning about how the pyramids were built. In Maths, we will be focusing on place value with numbers up to 1000 and basic calculation. For our wider curriculum topics, we will be learning all about Ancient Egypt! We will also be learning about much more, including the skeleton and how we move (Science. What do Christians believe about a good life? (RE) team- building and gymnastics (PE) and finally making healthy choices (PSHE). P.E Day

Year 3 PE lessons are on Thursday (indoor) and Friday (outdoor). Please make sure your child is wearing their school PE kit.

Times Tables Rockstars

Being confident with times tables helps children in many areas of maths curriculum such as short division, multiplication, word problems, and many more. In class, we support the learning of times tables regularly. As the saying goes, practice makes perfect. We, therefore, strongly recommend you encourage your child to practice their times tables at home regularly or better still every night! All your hard work and theirs will make them a Times Tables Rock Star.